By: Lidia Dogaru On: July 13, 2020 In: Life Comments: 0

Do you remember what they say in the airplane before taking off regarding the oxygen mask? Put first your oxygen mask in order to be able to take care of others afterwards! It’s been a while since I did not do a FREE online event, so I am soooo...

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By: Stefania Rosca On: July 20, 2016 In: Change, Emotions, Learning, Life, Motivation Comments: 0

I’m not sure how many of you do this but something tells me it’s quite common. Whenever I talk to myself I tend to use a very harsh language. Why? I have no clue. Probably it’s because I have high expectations and whenever I do not deliver on something...

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By: Simon Finlayson On: October 02, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Emotions, happiness, Learning, Life, Love, metaphors Comments: 0

Down in the Dumps? Feel like everyday is a battle? I feel you. This is not about being Depressed or Sad, it is that feeling of Life being a wall that surrounds you, demanding that you constantly have to climb over it to participate in your own well being....

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By: Roxana Stefanescu On: August 25, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Coaching, Emotions, Learning, Life, Love, Training, Uptitude Comments: 0

Depending on where you find yourself right now, in which phase of your emotional journey, you will either feel relieved, or upset after reading the title I chose for this article. And, before I write more , I would like to say that it should not be understood in...

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By: Iulia Saplacan On: July 16, 2015 In: Change, Life Comments: 0

  The title says it. The subject will be dreams and evolution, evolution in dreams. The subject will be satisfaction. *** While trying to get some sleep in a very hot summer night, I was thinking how strange and beautiful life is. Except for the hot and mosquitos part,...

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(Please have in mind that the information in this blog is based on personal experience, and I am neither a doctor, nor a certified nutritionist. I just have a high personal interest in nutrition and its impact on our health. ) Recently, an extraordinary men, Andrei Rosu, became the first...

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By: Simon Finlayson On: July 08, 2015 In: Change, Emotions, Events, Learning, Life, Motion Comments: 1

Emotion. Butterflies in your stomach from your first Crush on someone? Floating and skipping through your day on a wave of Happiness? These are all symptoms of emotions, after effects if you will. When do you feel and experience the real, RAW emotions? I’m talking about your body feeling...

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By: Roxana Stefanescu On: July 07, 2015 In: Coaching, Emotions, happiness, health, Learning, Life, Love, Uptitude Comments: 1

I recently turned 28 and questions about where I am, what have I achieved so far, what comes next, pop up more and more in my head every single day. For me, as for many other people, accepting and loving myself proves to be a long journey. Thankfully I...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: July 06, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Learning, Life, Motivation Comments: 0

I always wonder who I am and what made me who and what I am today. There is a saying in my country that tends to generalize a bit behaviour and judges parents and family more than it judges the misbehaved, naughty, cheeky…you. It says that the reason why you...

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By: Lidia Dogaru On: July 01, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Learning, Life Comments: 6

I heard once this nice phrase: “If you want God to laugh, tell him your plans.” I said that this could not be true…but there are so many more sayings that mean more or less the same thing, so there has to be somewhere a bit of truth. And guess what:...

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